
How to propagate jostaberry

How to grow and care for jostaberries

ostaberry – pronounced ‘yosta’ (Ribes × nidigrolaria) – is a cross between blackcurrant and gooseberry. It forms a big, hardy, deciduous shrub that bears small purple flowers in late spring, followed by red-black berries the size of gooseberries but with…

Koje su vrste zglobova u ljudskom tijelu?

Zglobovi su strukture koje funkcioniraju kao tačka vezivanja između kostiju ili između kostiju i hrskavice. Zahvaljujući tome, kretanje je mnogo lakše, bez izazivanja habanja koštane strukture. Vrste zglobova prema njihovoj strukturi Zglobovi se mogu grupirati prema strukturi njihovog tkiva. U…

Saznajte kako su građeni zglobovi

Većina zglobova u tijelu ima istu osnovnu strukturu. Sastoje se od dva zglobna tijela – konveksnog i konkavnog. Pokretljivost zglobova ovisi o njihovom međusobnom odnosu, podudarnosti ili kongruentnosti zglobnih tijela. Opseg pokreta u kukovima je znatno manji nego na primjer…

Booming Esports di Asia Tenggara

Asia Tenggara adalah pasar baru lainnya yang dimasuki secara agresif oleh banyak perusahaan game besar. Ini adalah wilayah dengan pertumbuhan gaming tercepat di dunia, dengan sekitar 310 juta gamer yang tersebar di Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapura, dan Filipina. Pertumbuhan…

eSports History: How it all began

If you think eSports has only been around for a few years, you’re wrong! The cornerstone of video games was already laid in the 50s and with it the competition on PC or console. Only the technological progress at the…

History of e-sports

Esports is a fascinating phenomenon in a billion dollar industry. Officially, “Esports” is short for electronic sports and refers to competitive video gaming with tournament and league structures just like traditional sports. In Esports, gamers square off either in teams…

Best Esports Countries

Esports is a titan of industry, and it’s getting bigger with each passing day. It has gone from being a misunderstood and remarkably niche concept to a multi-billion-dollar global phenomenon, and it’s only just getting started. These days, esports can…

Top 5 countries playing e-sports

1/ China Despite not fielding the most players in the world, China has scored the highest amount of prizes compared to any other nation in the world. Indeed, is all thanks to the proficiency of Chinese competitors in the realm…

Deep dive: Most popular eSports Games 2023

With the growing popularity of eSports games, the number of professional players also changes regularly. As a result, the popularity ranking is constantly changing and it’s quite difficult to answer the question what is the most popular eSports game now….