
ostaberry – pronounced ‘yosta’ (Ribes × nidigrolaria) – is a cross between blackcurrant and gooseberry. It forms a big, hardy, deciduous shrub that bears small purple flowers in late spring, followed by red-black berries the size of gooseberries but with…


Cryptocurrency affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting a cryptocurrency project to drive traffic, and users. Here, advertisers will use tools and skills to promote crypto projects that attract many individuals. However, many affiliate marketers do not know how to…


Zglobovi su strukture koje funkcioniraju kao tačka vezivanja između kostiju ili između kostiju i hrskavice. Zahvaljujući tome, kretanje je mnogo lakše, bez izazivanja habanja koštane strukture. Vrste zglobova prema njihovoj strukturi Zglobovi se mogu grupirati prema strukturi njihovog tkiva. U…


Većina zglobova u tijelu ima istu osnovnu strukturu. Sastoje se od dva zglobna tijela – konveksnog i konkavnog. Pokretljivost zglobova ovisi o njihovom međusobnom odnosu, podudarnosti ili kongruentnosti zglobnih tijela. Opseg pokreta u kukovima je znatno manji nego na primjer…


Asia Tenggara adalah pasar baru lainnya yang dimasuki secara agresif oleh banyak perusahaan game besar. Ini adalah wilayah dengan pertumbuhan gaming tercepat di dunia, dengan sekitar 310 juta gamer yang tersebar di Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapura, dan Filipina. Pertumbuhan…


Indonesia has produced several well-known esports figures and teams. Several Indonesian esports players have achieved celebrity status in the country, and others have become household names in international esports competitions. In Valorant, the Indonesian duo consisting of Jason “f0rsakeN” Susanto…


One of the main contributors to Indonesia’s incredible esports player base is that the country has a very large population of young people. A large population makes Indonesia a higher gaming population than other countries. It is also important to…


Conocemos como surgieron los eSports y como los deportes electrónicos se convirtieron en una industria de mucha popularidad. Hace unos años que los videojuegos vienen creciendo y cada vez la industria se hace mas grande. Ya quedo atrás aquel tiempo…


Hubo un tiempo en que los videojuegos eran poco más que un pasatiempo. Para muchos, de hecho, lo sigue siendo. Y es que todo comenzó -tal vez muchos lo recuerden- como una suerte de homenaje al deporte tradicional. En efecto,…


The eSports scene is booming. Numerous teams compete against each other in the regional and international competitions of major eSports games such as League of Legends, Fortnite and Dota 2 and fight for millions in prize money. Professional players have…